As our committees prepare their budget requests and we begin to build a ministry budget for our congregation for 2022, the Stewardship Committee is pleased to present our focus theme for this effort: “Grow Through Giving.” For four weeks of October, we will offer ways for everyone to turn their attention to God’s generous gifts to us and our generous response. In worship we will look at the creation story, the farming parables of Jesus, biblical instructions about giving and the imperative to grow. We will sing as many hymns as we can find about seeds, soil, and growth. With the children we will actually plant and nurture a seed, and, fingers crossed, we will observe its growth! A letter with more details and your pledge card will sent to homes. Commitment Sunday will be on October 31, and more information about that special day is below. We sincerely hope that each member and friend of First Presbyterian will catch this vision and “grow through giving” to the church for our future and God’s ministry in this place.