Our Name that Member! feature gave us the opportunity to learn just how well we really know each other, our Did you know? Tuesday Trivia! shows us how well we know our church but we’re pleased to ask yet another question—How well do we know our faith?
Well, we’re excited to tell you that our newest newsletter feature is Faith Facts: which aims to tell us just how well we know our faith. Our July Faith Facts is courtesy of Russ Christensen. Thank you, Russ, for your contribution!
Are you ready to play?
Why do Presbyterian Churches have names like “First”, “Second” or are named after a street, or are named after a city?
(choose one or more of the following answers)
A) Presbyterians lack imagination so they stay with names of numbers, streets or perhaps a name such as “Memorial” or the town which it is located in
B) A) Presbyterians are known for “keeping things in order”. If a Presbyterian congregation is chartered first in a town, they have naming rights to using the word “First”, the second one in town then becomes “Second” and so on. Or perhaps if the “Second” congregation doesn’t like being second, they will name their church after the street they are located on or another non-competitive ranking name.
C) Sometimes its just best to keep things simple. If the name of the church is “Main Street” or named after the city it’s located in, it’s easier to find.
D) Both A & B
E) ALL of the above
F) None of the above
Did you guess correct, or did you learn something new?
Thanks for playing!
If you have Presbyterian faith facts to share, please contact Pastor Katie at kestes@firstpresgreenbay.org and become a contributor to an upcoming Faith Facts: