Beginning September 11th & 12th
One mark of the Presbyterian and Reformed tradition is a focus on learning and an educated community of faith, so we regularly offer opportunities to gather as adults to learn about God’s Word and study together. Knowing that some seasons are busier for people than others, we usually limit each study to six weeks or so, hoping participants will come and go as time allows.
This year our options will be Wednesday nights on Zoom from 6:00 to 7:00pm and Thursday mornings in person at church from 10:30 to 11:30am. Both of these times represent a change from last year, so please plan accordingly. All are welcome, and as the study is the same, you may move back and forth between the Wednesday and Thursday sessions as needed.
We begin this fall on Wednesday, September 11th and Thursday, September 12th with a six-week study of Creation written by William P. Brown. Rather than limiting ourselves to the two(!) creation narratives from the book of Genesis, this study presents diverse portraits of creation from all across the scriptures. From the Psalms to Genesis to Job to Romans and Revelation, we will look at plenty of biblical perspectives on creation to give us a wide vision of the God we worship and what God has done in establishing the cosmos of which we are a part. Brief readings, good discussion, shared experience, and visuals from the newest deep space telescope will all be included. The book is available for $5.00 from Pastor Katie in the church office. Please join us!