#FirstPresGB Softball Team continues to hit it out of the park
Our softball season came to a close on July 10th as we ended the season with a record of 4 and 3. We are seeded 6th in the Division 2 playoffs. Playoffs began on Sunday the 17th and we walked away with an 8-6 win for our first round. The second playoff round was a doubleheader on July 24th and we defeated 3rd seeded Peace with a score of 32 to 6 (wow!) and game two we defeated 1st seeded Journey #3 with a score of 18-16. The Division 2 Championship Game will be played on Sunday, July 31st – with results yet to be determined when we went to press – but watch our social media post-game for the Championship Game outcome!
Welcome New Members
On Thursday, June 23rd at the Session meeting and on Sunday, July 31st in worship, our congregation received the following new members: Joanne LaCourt, Mary Jane McCrory, Fritzi Mevis, Brittany Morien, Joel Morien (and their daughter Aubrey), and Sue Russell. Please make an effort to welcome them into the family of faith.
2022 General Assembly
A summary of the 225th General Assembly (2022) actions can be viewed here. Israel and Palestine relations, fossil fuel divestment, and OGA/PMA unification were among the major issues addressed.
Church Chix had a blast!
We had 13 Chix in attendance during our Church Chix July social gathering on July 21st at 1951 West. The restaurant was great, service was great and there was great food – but more importantly there was great laughter, fun and fellowship! Join the Chix for their August social at A’Bravo on August 18th at 6pm. Sign-up sheet is on the bulletin board or RSVP to office@firstpresgreenbay.org. Hope you can join the Chix!