Earlier this week we featured our Monday Member Spotlight Name that Member through email and on our social media and now it’s time for the BIG REVEAL! In case you missed it, here’s our Member’s story:
- I was born and raised in the Midwest.
- My favorite childhood memories are of taking lots of family camping vacations.
- I have one sister, two brothers…two daughters and one grandchild.
- My favorite thing in the whole wide world to do is anything and everything having to do with retirement.
- What I love most about our church is the close feeling of the congregation. You really are a second family to me.
- I moved to Green Bay in 1965 and have lived in this area since that time except for living in Chicago for 2+ years and in Las Vegas for 1-1/2 years.
- I’ve been a member of the church since 1974.
- My favorite place to vacation is Las Vegas.
- What I’m most passionate about is spending time with my family and friends, and being able to help out others.
- I have always enjoyed dancing and took tap dance lessons from grades four through eight and did a lot of line dancing in the ’90s.
- April 9, 1983 I saw John Davidson at the Carlton Inn in Green Bay. We had seats right next to the stage and before he began to perform he handed me his beautiful navy blue sequined jacket to hold during his performance.
- I have completed the annual Labor Day Bridge Walk (5.2 miles) across the Mackinac Bridge four times. My first time was in 2014 at the age of 66.
- In 1962 I was crowned Valentine’s Queen in my freshman year of high school. The queen was chosen by ballots cast by high school students. I was extremely shocked when my name was drawn however I found out later that my friends had stuffed The Ballot Box with my name.
- I was 4th Runner-Up and Miss Congeniality in the 1967 Miss Green Bay pageant. This was the year that Terry Anne Meeuwsen won…she later went on to become Miss Appleton, Miss Wisconsin and then Miss America!
- If you haven’t figured out who I am yet, here is a final clue which may help. My neighbors in the hereafter for all of eternity will be Carol and Gerald Christiansen.
Who am I?
Do you give up?
I’m Judy Knutzen-Nerad!
You couldn’t possibly have known all that about Judy, did you?
Tell us your story! Complete our Name that Member Form or email csimonet@firstpresgreenbay.org so you can be featured in an upcoming Monday Member Spotlight of Name that Member!