Our Vision & Mission

Every member at First Presbyterian Church of Green Bay is challenged to discover their personal mission. In many varied ways, our members volunteer their time and talents for the church and for various non-profit organizations in the community.

Our Vision

“God Nourishes All to Grow”

stained glass window

God, and God’s direction for us, is the basis for everything we do as individuals and as members of different communities. Our understanding of God is the core of our existence and all our actions.

God nourishes us physically and spiritually. God continuously feeds us with God’s love, God’s direction, and God’s power. God does “Give us this day our daily bread” every day. Jesus said, “I am the bread of life,” and our spiritual hunger is satisfied by following Jesus.

God nourishes all humanity. Everyone is included; regardless of race, ethnicity, age, sex, disability, geography, or theological conviction. We are each a part of “All,” and must work continuously to understand that we are a part of “All.”

We all grow, perhaps in parallel, perhaps in different directions and ways. Growing is learning, growing is maturing, growing is challenging. Growing is about changing for the better, and for the glory of God. As long as we are living, we should continue to grow.

Our Mission

“Inspiring All to Love and Serve with Christ”

We will also inspire by exploring God’s invitation to Love and Serve by living missionally. We will refine the definition of “missional living” through study, discussion, prayer, and experimentation.

View of sanctuary from the right side of the balcony

To inspire someone requires that I first be inspired. Once inspired, I must then spread that enthusiasm to others, challenging myself to get out of my comfort zone. To inspire others requires that I have a clear, passionate understanding of our vision.

View from back of sanctuary with congregation sitting and pastor Katie preaching at the pulpit

All is everyone. We work and pray to understand, and not limit “All.” All requires an understanding, respect for, and acceptance of diversity.

feeding people at the pantry

God has put us on this earth to Love and Serve.  First Presbyterian Church loves and serves through its varied ministries. Through mission trips and outreach activities as well as Christian education and community engagement.

Colorful banner with white cross, and vase of flowers on table with piano player sitting in the back

Sharing our love and our service with others is not a result of our own individual efforts, but is led and guided by Christ who goes before us, who is in us, and who is by our side. It is always Christ’s intention, Christ’s plan, Christ’s will that we seek in all we do. Christ is our foundation and the source of our strength and energy, not just on Sundays but always. We take no personal credit for accomplishments that serve Christ’s purpose but give Christ the glory for blessing us.

Our Values

God is at the center of all our decisions and actions, directing us to become disciples of Christ. We strive to do everything for the glory of God. The following statements describe what we value most as a congregation.


We are missional and are called to reach out with generous hearts to do God’s work locally and globally. We find joy in serving with Christ, to help others, feed the hungry, care for the marginalized, advocate for justice, and make a difference in our neighborhood and beyond.

“The Son of Man came not to be served but to serve” Mark 10:45

Strong Relationships

Collaboration, compassion and fellowship build connections within our own families and with our church family. With the love and support of the congregation, we welcome all who seek God and help build our church family through friendship and faith.

“They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers” Acts 2:42

Meaningful Worship

Worship is central to our life as a congregation. We grow spiritually through Bible-based sermons and lessons that apply to everyday situations. We use a variety of music to praise and thank God. The congregation is charged with using the worship experience to become better Christians in the community we serve.

“Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly; teach and admonish one another in all wisdom; and with gratitude in your hearts sing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs to God” Colossians 3:16


We believe in diversity, inclusion, and open dialogue. We are a non-judgmental, forgiving, and welcoming congregation as taught by Christ. We practice tolerance, respect, and Christian love. We accept all who strive to live in peace.

 “So far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all” Romans 12:18

Active Faith

Christ-driven faith is our foundation. We pursue growth in our faith through prayer, spiritual discernment, study opportunities, sharing the word of God with others, and our commitment to be a missional church.

“The only thing that counts is faith working through love” Galatians 5:6